4 October, 2018
Together with ePassi and Isavia, we are proud to have launched Alipay with the first Merchants in Iceland at Keflavik Airport as seen in the MBL article: “Fyrsti þjónustuaðilinn með Alipay”. Below is a translation of this article. This week, Keflavík Airport became the first service provider in Iceland to make it possible for customers to pay for goods and services with Alipay through ePassi. The collaboration between Alipay and ePassi has been very successful with direct marketing done by ePassi for the individual merchants through the Alipay app, which plays a key role in attracting the attention of Chinese tourists, according to an announcement from Isavia. The first payment was made at the 66 ° North store at Keflavík Airport yesterday, but the Blue Lagoon, Penninn-Eymundsson and Optical Studio also offer travelers to pay for goods and services with Alipay. More companies are in talks to offer this solution. "Last year, almost 86,000 Chinese citizens passed through Leif Eiríksson Air Terminal, and so far this year there have been 55,300 passengers, according to information from the Icelandic Tourist Board," says Gunnhildur Erla Vilbergsdóttir, Commercial Manager at Keflavik Airport, Isavia. "It has been reported in the media that figures published by the Chinese government indicate an estimate of around 300,000 Chinese tourists will come to Iceland by 2020 and this new service will make it easier for this group of tourists to shop for goods and services at Keflavík Airport." Alipay is part of the Alibaba Group, the largest online store in the world, and one of the most popular mobile payment solutions in the world with over 870 million active users. Alipay handles over 70% of Chinese mobile payments. ePassi is the largest mobile payment service company in the Nordic region that handles, for example, payment services and marketing for Alipay.